Even though the content will go Live, different resources will be made available on the app/website as they are built/updated.
The content will be subject to the following provisos:
- The content will be subject to continuous update and review
- Old content (from previous CGOs) will be converted into the new format, using new tools
- Content will be moved around
- The layout will change and reflect the needs of the user
- Content will be created
- Content will be deleted/retired
CGO development will continue.
[Updated 2 Apr 2024]
Content coming soon...
Content coming soon...
Content coming soon...
Content coming soon...
Content coming soon...
Content coming soon...
Head injuries - indications for neurosurgical referral
Criteria for urgent neurosurgical consultation are the presence of one or more of the
Without definitive neuroimaging and CSF analysis, ability to differentiate between
meningitis and encephalitis on clinical grounds alone can be difficult.
Failure to identify correct condition may impose treatment delay and subsequent
Consider subarachnoid haemorrhage in any 'worst ever' or sudden onset headache:
"Sudden agonizing headache" is subarachnoid haemorrhage until proven otherwise
In cases of suspected ischaemic stroke, the patient's survival and functional recovery may depend on prompt recognition and treatment
First 25 minutes after arrival to the hospital