Deployed Antimicrobial Guidance

DMS Microbiology Reachback Service – contact no: +44 (0)7771 945481

These guidelines are a guide for deployed Health Care facilities and should be used in conjunction with any local antimicrobial
guidelines and health intelligence for the region concerned. It considers operational need, antimicrobial stewardship, international pathogens and resistance; therefore there are differences from UK guidance.

Part 1 – Primary health care units (including Genito-urinary, Ocular and Dental infections)
Part 2 – Secondary health care units (including Malaria) - also relevant to PHCs with bedding down facilities
Part 3 – Trauma Prophylaxis

If further clinical advice is required please contact the DMS Microbiology Reach-back Service (24/7).

Additional relevant advice can be sought from:

  • Defence Public Health Service (for Notifiable Diseases and Outbreaks) Smartphone: +44 1543 406008
  • Infectious Diseases Reach Back (24/7)
  • Military advice and Sexual Health/HIV service (MASHH) (24/7)
    • PANDO App (MASHH Ask Advice)
    • 07929 788873 (note new MASHH mobile number)

Antimicrobials can be administered in extremis via intraosseous (IO) when offered IV – unless otherwise stated.
Clinicians should, as always, consider dosing and contraindications for prescribing as per BNF/SMPC

* Penicillin allergy – patients who report penicillin allergy should be assessed in order to clarify the risk from receiving cephalosporin or carbapenem therapy.

  • This guideline suggests the use of a carbapenem in penicillin allergic patients in clinical situations where the patient is severely ill and the risk of harm to the patient from an infection treated with a potentially sub-optimal antibiotic regimen is considered greater than the risk arising from a potential drug allergy.
  • This is a clinical decision which must be made for each individual patient.
  • Consideration should be given to caring for such patients in high dependency clinical areas
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